Kontakt.io Anchor Beacon is a BLE beacon leader for wayfinding and indoor navigation use cases. It helps to optimize hospital space, improve staff, patient and visitor experience, and enhance safety. With the new Nordic Semiconductor nRF52 chip and Bluetooth 5 compatibility, the Anchor Beacon can provide over 7 years of battery life at a 1s broadcasting interval.
Indoor Wayfinding in Airports
Enable mobile phone based wayfinding solutions
Indoor Wayfinding in Education
Enhance and extend your wayfinding solution
Indoor Wayfinding in Retail
Enhance and extend your wayfinding solution
Indoor Wayfinding in Venues
Enhance and extend your wayfinding solution
Indoor Wayfinding in Workspaces
Enhance and extend your wayfinding solution
Proximity Marketing in Retail
Share marketing promotions or COVID-19 protocol updates with your customers
Proximity Notifications in Airports
Share important messages with your employees and visitors, such as new COVID protocols or changes in office hours
Proximity Notifications in Venues
Share marketing promotions, provide space context, or share COVID-19 protocol updates with your visitors
Proximity Notifications in Workspaces
Share important messages with your employees and visitors, such as new COVID protocols or changes in office hours
Temperature Monitoring in Healthcare
Improve your patient’s experience by monitoring room temperatures
Temperature Monitoring in Hospitality
Improve your customer’s experience by monitoring room temperatures
Tour Guide / Proximity in Other
Trigger in-App mobile content and guides when in proximity to dedicated point of interests.
Wayfinding in Healthcare
Enhance and extend your wayfinding solution
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