Right Now provides a real time count of the number of people within a physical space & how it compares with the historical average.
Active count of visitors: Count of devices/people who were spotted in the location during the last 10 minutes
Total count of visitors: Count of visitors that were present during the past ‘X’ hours (X being the threshold defined across individual verticals). For example – this could be 3 hours for Retail and 8 Hours for Workspaces
Density Trigger: It also allows users to set limits beyond which a trigger is activated. A feature that is becoming increasingly important in the post Covid world
Associated device count: ‘Right Now’ app currently counts only associated devices. Associated Devices: No. of devices associating with network.
Protocol Compliance: Real time warning when the number of people at a location/sub-location exceed a previously defined threshold. Threshold could be absolute (number of people) or density (number of people per sq.ft.)
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