Asset Tracking

by Cisco Spaces

Leave manual inventory control & tracking in the past

Opt for asset tracking with Cisco Spaces, a cloud-based solution that allows you to manage, monitor and optimize all your assets based on their indoor location.

Gain insights into asset visibility and performance

Having asset visibility is the first step in achieving operational efficiency in your space. With real-time asset tracking, gain visibility into your assets and how they are being used to optimize performance.

Track assets in real-time and improve utilization

Determine the current and historical location of all connected devices and visualize them on a simple map interface. This visibility and ease of use, helps you track assets quickly and save critical time.

Reduce loss of critical assets and mobile items

Get notified of your asset’s real-time location through notifications. Prevent loss, damage or misuse of equipment.

Improve Asset Management and reduce operational costs

Inventory tracking is a fool-proof way to minimize equipment loss and gain insights about the use of inventory. Tag, monitor and manage assets, extend asset life cycles and reduce operational downtime and costs.

What industries can benefit from this use case?

Who is this for?


Operations Teams

  • It can be a vital tool in hospitals (to track wheelchairs, IV pumps, heart monitors, beds, etc),
  • Manufacturing plants (to track inventory and equipment),
  • Offices (to track laptops, office equipment, and other shared devices) and
  • Retail (to track shopping carts, luggage carts, etc).

How it works?

Using BLE + Catalyst 9000 Infrastructure as an IoT Gateway

Asset Tracking in the field

Like to know more about how this Cisco Spaces use case makes a difference? Learn how it helps save time and money for others…

Case Study

KLA Labs

KLA Labs was able to leverage Catalyst 9120 AP’s and achieve one to five meter accuracy of locating assets for their client.

Case Study


The NHS Foundation Trust accurately tracks every piece of critical equipment, from doctors’ iPads to ventilators

Try asset tracking today.

All you need is your existing Cisco network and Cisco Spaces.

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